I am totally a 'Friday' girl! I have always been. I just come alive on the weekends and I usually kick the weekend off with some Friday fun. So I guess I want to inject a bit more of me into the blog by doing "Friday Frolic" posts. I mean really, you didn't think the only thing that interests me is hair, did you?! No! So on Fridays, I want to share other parts of my life with you, and yes you read today's title right, I really am about to share my bath time habit.
For a while, I did not take baths (and by that I mean I only took showers!! lol) I just did not have an hour or so to waste away in a tub. But recently I got a new tub installed and decided to give it a whirl...we have been going steady ever since. There is just something about running a hot bath at the end of the week, after you have worked up a sweat in the gym. It just feels as if you are washing away the stress of the week, it's like food for a hungry soul!