
Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Commemorating our First Year!

I am stopping in today to say a big big thank you to all the readers of Below The Waist over our first year of existence. I started this blog simply to document my hair journey while allowing others to share in it so they too may benefit. I appreciate the support from all the lovely readers and I'm grateful to have you guys be a part of BTW!

To commemorate this 1 year mark I will give a rundown of what took place during the period:

Total views to date: 240,600+
Total followers across different media285
(go follow if you're not already! lol)

3 Most popular articles:


Featured on:
Black Hair Information - Hair story
Just Grow Already - Hair story


Article features:
Sayounara Sucker {5 reasons I said goodbye to multiple mid-week co-washing} - BHI
The perfect hairstyle for working out & maintaining a HHJ - SOS
Curly vs. Straight - SOS
My perfect braidout - SOS


Article sparking the most discussion: The other Side of Relaxer-stretching

My fave article: Benefits of Protective Styling other than length retention
Biggest flop: Clear Rinsing
Biggest success: Attaining soft, moisturized hair 

Most fun:  Five Minute Summer Style Series (onetwo & three) & my HOTW protective styling series

That was just a little recap of the last year. Take a trip down memory lane, will ya?! 

There is sooo much more in store. And I hope you will continue to read the posts and engage me through your comments. I have been a bit busy the last few weeks (months?), forgive me, that's just how it is sometimes. But I have found new inspiration and motivation at this one-year mark and I think you'll like what's to come.

Once again, thank you!!!

Ps. If there are any issues, topics, concerns you have that you wish for me to address, please comment below and let me know what's on your mind.



  1. Yay!!! Congrats!!! That's so fantastic! You should be extra proud girlie, all in a years work ;-)

  2. Congrats on your first year. Love your hair and look forward to your posts x

  3. Congratulations on getting to the one year blogversary! I love all your posts.

  4. Congrats! Love your blog. Keep up the good work. I love admiring your drool-worthy hair!

  5. Congrats on making it to one year. Looking forward to the next year.

    Don't Touch The Hair

  6. congrats on one year!!!!
    here's to many more!
    virtual cheers!


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