
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

DIY Edible Masks

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
                                                                                     Hippocrates (+ Chronixx lol)

I used to be a master mixologist. I loved to check my cupboards for awesome ingredients to whip up a delicious-looking batch of soft, fluffy...conditioners? Yep, that's right! These days I find myself reaching for a store-bought conditioner (maybe it's the availability in Ja compared to Jp), but last wash day (and a time or 2 before then) I wanted a kick of protein and decided to make my own strengthening treatment. It was love all over again. It's no secret that many natural ingredients make great conditioners. Here's why:

Avocados - This fruit is both moisturizing and strengthening to the hair. It contains one of the most sought-after vitamin - biotin. It restores the hair's elasticity and shine. It also prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth.

Bananas - One of my personal faves for a healthy snack, the banana is highly nutritious and does your hair well.  It contains potassium, iron, B Vitamins including B6 and B12. It can hydrate and strengthen your hair and it is great for an itchy, flaky scalp.

Eggs - One of the richest sources of protein for a bodybuilder, eggs are excellent for your hair. The yolk, rich in fats, potassium, protein, vitamins A, C, D, B-12 & B-6, and iron, strengthens and softens the hair leaving it silky and shiny. 

Honey - The main quality of honey which makes it perfect for use in your hair is that it's a humectant, i.e it pulls the moisture from the air into your hair. Already a win! Who doesn't love moisture?! But it is also a rich source of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It can also be used as a natural hair lightener.

Oils - Those who know me know how much I love oils. As a matter of fact, I dedicated an entire series to them. My favorite carriers for adding to my deep conditioners are Extra Virgin Olive oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil. As far as essentials, I love tea tree, peppermint and rosemary oils.
Here are a few recipes you can try out:
1. Going Bananas for Moisture

  1. 1 overripe banana
  2. 2 tbsp honey
  3. 1 tbsp EVOO
  4. 2 tbsp water

2. Eggs-ceptionally Strong

  1. 2 egg yolks
  2. 1 overripe avocado
  3. 1 tbsp coconut oil
  4. 2 tbsp. water

What's your favourite DIY recipe?


  1. This is a very informative post. I will try the one with bananas because my hair is protein sensitive and may not do well with the egg in the second one. :)

  2. Great post, and great to go natural to maintain your hair. Thanks for sharing!

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