
Thursday, 3 July 2014

6 month no heat/ protective styling challenge

Alrrrighty then!

I have officially committed to going heat-free for (roughly) 6 months (until mid December). I made this decision because I have had my full of my hair. I have been rocking my own hair for maybe 6 months now ie. my last long-term protective style in the form of a wig was 6 months ago. However, I short/mid term protective styled from Jan- March. But since then, I've been doing the most with my hair: braid-outs, flexi-rod sets, roller sets, flat-irons, bantu-knots, with the occasional bun. So right now I'm thinking it's time to make some more progress, and that means, among other things, backing away from heat. So during this period there will be no:
  • blow-drying
  • flat-ironing
  • steam roller sets
  • sets which involve heat
  • no heat period!
The plan is to employ protective styles for the duration. I will be making use of Senegalese twists, box braids, weaves, and (maybe) wigs in the long-term. And braids, and buns in the short term.
Do pardon me if I rock a braidout over a weekend when I'm between styles and missing my hair a bit. BUT right now that's the plan: NO heat and protective styling for pretty much the rest of the year. Now excuse me while I grow and retain some hurrr!
What challenges do you have going on for the rest of the year?


  1. Good luck!
    I will be wearing mini twists for the rest of the year, though I will be straightening twice more for thorough trims.

    1. thanks Britt! oh I see. I will only be doing search and destroy until Deciembre!

  2. Good luck my 6 month challenge officially ends tomor

  3. Good luck with your challenge, can wait to see how you progress.

    1. thanks. Me neither. I hope it's worth it lol

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yay Abbi!! U look lovely, I cant wait to see your hair growth/thickness progress in December! *wink wink :-D

  6. ahhh, good luck to you.
    can't wait to see the progress!



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