
Friday, 4 July 2014

Show & Tell - Senegalese Twists

In keeping with my 6 month no heat + protective styling challenge, I have installed my first long-term protective style in the form of Senegalese twists.
Senegalese Twists - protective style

I installed them myself on July 1st (I started the night before and ended on that day). I used 4.5 packs of Outre Kanekalon hair in 1B. I used my trusty 4 sections (yeah the same four I use for washing, relaxing...). It took approximately 1hr and 45 minutes for each section, so roughly 7 hours to complete my whole head. They are medium twists and stop at about mid back.
They are not tight at all. I don't feel any pulling on my edges or scalp in general. In fact, maybe they could be a little tighter in order for them to keep longer. They aren't super heavy either. The only time I feel their weight is when I pile them on top of my head for a bun. But if they are hanging down they are really light, I could even forget that they're there.
I intend to rock this style for a month or so, but since they were done by yours truly and not a professional, I'm not sure how long they will actually last, but I'm hopeful.
As per usual I will have posts coming up regarding upkeep, styles, and general updates on this style. So stay tuned and wish me luck.
 Ever tried Senegalese Twists?


  1. YASSSSSS DIY Senegalese Twists. Love them. I wish it would only take me 7 hours. I think I really need to detangke before and not during the installation. Or I'm just slow

    1. 7 hours is long to me, I wish it could take like 3 or 4! lol

  2. Your twist looks great, you did an amazing job! I've never done senegalese twist since I don't trust anyone to do it without ripping out my hair line lol

    1. thank you! yup, that's part of the reason I did them myself lol

  3. Your twists look great. I also have Senegalese Twists but I'm not skilled enough to install them myself.

    1. thank you. You never know til you try, I didn't lol

  4. Great job. Love your brows!

  5. These are lovely, you did them so nicely! By the way, I tagged you in a "being me" blog tag. I would love for you to participate.

  6. Good job! I installed mine on the 30th and 1st as well

  7. Just installed mines this weekend. Took me 14 hours (very small) but so worth it!
    Your's look great!


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