
Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Perfect Hairstyle for Working Out & Maintaining a HHJ

The other day after I got in from the gym, I let my hair out to dry. After it was no longer damp, it was a dehydrated mess. As you may have seen in my last post, sweat leaves our hair dry and creates a milieu for possible breakage. We can't have that now, can we?!

dry post-workout hair

So I got to work on my hair by making relatively small sections and "moisturizing" them with my Aussie 3 minute moist. I use quotes because this product is actually a deep conditioner. Anyway, I applied some to the aforementioned small sections and in an attempt to put that section away, I started to rope twist (Senegalese twist minus the extensions) it. I kept going till I covered my whole head.

The "style" turns out to be very functional for my work-out regimen. I can moisturize and seal my almost 20-weeks-post-hair in a flash. I can let the hair out to dry without it becoming a bird's nest, and it's super easy to throw into a bun. So it fits perfectly into my no heat/ protective styling challenge.

rope twists

great for working out

I think it would be pretty easy to wash the hair in these twists too. They might get a bit messy, but that's nothing that a cute headband can't hide. And then I remembered another thing... hey...these twists totally helped get Rachie to waist length lol. I kinda like having them sooo, you guessed it, they're staying for a while.

I may take them down to do a proper wash at the weekend, but I'll definitely try to throw them in for the following week.

What's your tried and true style for maintaining your hair while working out?


  1. Looks good! I think the most important thing is to rinse away the salty sweat from the hair. Sweating is a way to cool down the body but also to get rid of toxics. Sweat shouldnt be left on any part of your body.

    This is definately a health before length situation.

    1. Yes it should definitely be rinsed away. But in the mean time between time, there quick fixes we can employ as well.

  2. Ooh! Thanks so much for that link. I've been slacking in my blog reading and totally missed Rachie getting to waist length. For somebody who likes short hair on herself you have no idea how excited I get at watching others grow ridiculously long hair lol.

    Those twists look nice on you. I'm using them myself to grow out my TWA. What I love most about them is the super easy takedown.

  3. hair and fitness is such a challenge for me. thanks for the post

  4. What a great style!!! that's always a struggle - maintaining our style while working out. Thanks for the additional idea, I'm pinning this to my Pinterest board!

    1. It really works well for allowing me to keep up with health hair and body. I'd love to check out your pinterest board!

  5. Awwww Abbi!! Hugz Girlie! Thanks so much for the mention!! Twists and braids have been a great help for real especially for working out, or when I have a particularly busy week. :-D


What are your thoughts?