
Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sayounara Sucker - 5 reasons I Said Good-bye to (Multiple) Mid-week Co-washing

Co-washing - using only conditioner to cleanse your hair - is a very useful technique in the milieu that is our hair regimen. In addition to cleansing, it can be used to replenish the hair with much-needed moisture. It can replace the shampoo wash altogether. It is done anywhere from every day to weekly, fortnightly or at even greater intervals. I personally happen to like co-washing as I like to wash once per week, but don't think I need to shampoo that often, so co-washing is a great alternative.

What I am speaking of in this post is the multiple-times-per-week cowashing. Last week I performed the inversion method. Rinsing every day of the seven days was a requirement, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. For right now once a week is my max, why?

1. Manipulation - wash days cause a great deal of manipulation to my hair particularly during detangling. The hair lost through manipulation on wash day makes up about 80 - 90% of my total hair loss each week. I have no desire to double my hair loss by washing my hair twice instead of once each week. When I was protective styling with wigs, under which my hair was braided, I co-washed a lot. That was because my hair didn't need to be detangled. But now that my hair is loose, I see where it could be more detrimental than beneficial.

2.  It's cold - I know that in winter when it's super sold, your hair needs more moisture. With that said, I prefer alternate ways of hydrating my hair such as steaming it in my shower/sauna (without rinsing) or using the LOC method.

3. The third reason comes from the fact that (relaxed) hair doesn't benefit from being in a wet state for too long, and in my opinion, too often. When the hair is air-drying it's wet for quite a while. This is said to cause damage to the inner parts of the shaft. Additionally, if you neglect the pre-poo step, you could be a victim of hydral fatigue and the subsequent cuticle damage which may accompany it. Also, relaxed hair is most vulnerable when wet. So having the hair wet multiple times per week, inherently exposes one to more breakage potential than if the hair were dry. So in my opinion maintaining a balance between clean hair and the potential for breakage means washing only once per week rather than 2 or more times.

4. While my hair is a moisture-whore and this has never happened to me, we must remember that there is such a thing as over-conditioning or moisture-overload. Co-washing too regularly can lead to this.

5. Finally, I am currently doing week-long protective styles and I refuse to unravel a perfectly wearable style solely for the sake of co-washing and then having to re-do that style. There are other ways of maintaining the moisture-levels of my hair without co-washing mid-week, which can both save time and your strands.

So it's once per week for this gal! No more than that for now.

How often do you co-wash?


  1. I completely agree! I didn't like cowashing my hair multiple times a week for the same exact reasons.

    1. Yep, it can possibly do more harm than good.

  2. i completely agree with this post!
    i actually found that the more i washed my hair, the more breakage i had.
    i've discovered for myself, less is more.


    1. I agree sometimes, matter of fact most times, less really is more.

  3. I agree. I have noticed the more simpler my regimen has become the more I think my hair thrives. Like you (read After you) I've started doing Protective Styles weekly and washed once a week I have seen no difference in moisture levels *knock on wood* so I've decided to stick with it.

    1. here here! lol @ 'knock on wood'. But I agree, with the weekly protective styling my hair stays moisturized provided that I properly condition and moisturize (LOC) prior to styling.

  4. I Agree with you. No. 1 and 4 hit home the most for me.

    1. Yeah no 1 is a big thing for me. Have you had a bout of over-coditioned hair?

  5. I wash once per week and cowash once per week (nomrally after about 3-4 weeks post) simply because of my workouts. I sweat a lot and it dries out my hair. Anything more than that is too much for me!

    Courtnea of Finally Growing!

    1. oh I see. I definitely can't get down with the every day or every other day scenario either.

  6. OMG finally figured out what's wrong with my hair. Moisture overload. On a regular wash day, my hair can only stand being wet just once. If I prepoo, wash, then condition, my hair turns into a soggy mess. The only way I get good results is to dc on dry hair then combine shampoo with conditioner and apply and rinse once. I can't even do the L in LCO or LOC. Well, that's my hair I guess.

    1. Oh, it's good you figured that out!
      But you don't have to live with it, you can try a medium strength protein treatment like a hair mayonnaise or even mixing an egg in with your regular deep conditioner.


What are your thoughts?