
Wednesday, 19 February 2014

My Substitute for... Applicator Bottles

I love finding substitutes for gadgets that I can't get my hands on. I also like to upgrade to make this hair journey thing a little easier. Sometimes you have to look far and wide for a substitute and at other times it's right there under your nose, or in today's case, the bathroom sink.

We all have spray bottles in our arsenal. Typically you use it for water or some water-based concoction like moisturizers and ACV or tea rinses, as do I. But recently I have been using my spray bottle for applying oil directly to my scalp or for saturating my hair for hot oil treatments and pre-poos. I started doing so during my inversion stint and find that it works much better for me than the applicator and even the roots only bottle. 

used during Inversion

I think the reason for this is less manipulation. Both the applicator and the roots only bottles have to maneuver their way through your thick, curly new growth, often times going back and forth. With the spray bottle however, I just gently separate with my fingers and spray the oil right on the scalp. Since oil is thicker than water, it is very likely that it will be expended from the bottle in a single stream, rather than a mist, which is perfect for the scalp. It also works well on the length of the hair since saturation is what we aim for when pre-pooing. It works extremely well when the hair is already separted in cornrows or braids. I recently tossed my roots only (look-alike) bottle!

This is a simple switch that has made things a little easier for me, so I thought I'd share.

What do you think?


  1. This is a good substitute.

  2. Good idea. I'm going to try this with my shampoo as well. I gave up on using the applicator bottle to apply shampoo a long time ago.

  3. This is a pretty good Idea and I would give it a go in the future especially for hot oil treatments . Thanks for sharing

  4. Great blog. Nice to be in your circle! Nerline @ #NewFollower

    1. Why thank you Nerline! I enjoy your blog too! Thanks for stopping by.


What are your thoughts?