
Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Inversion Method - take 2

I have tried the inversion method before, but not completely. Because while it appears simple - massage scalp with oil, invert, rinse - I just find that in actuality, it's a hassle for me.

Oil mix + cayenne pepper for inversion method

Let me remind you of what inversion is and its claim to fame
It is a growth aid which involves massaging the scalp with EVOO and then inverting the head for 4 minutes to allow the blood to rush to your head (eek sounds much more dangerous that it actually is). This increased blood flow means more nutrients for your follicles and thus increased growth. After inverting, one should rinse her scalp to get rid of build-up. That's it. Many claim to observe anywhere form .5 to 2 inches of growth in just one week. With results like those why wouldn't I give it a shot?! Finally, it is encouraged not to engage in this process for more than seven days at a time and not more than once per month as the body gets used to it and your efforts will be in vain.

Why it was a hassle for me
First of all I hate scalp massages. Say what now? For real. I don't like rubbing my scalp when my hair is styled as it ruins the style, and if it's not styled then I feel like it's causing tangles and breakage. Aside: I got a Shiatsu massage in Manila in December and when the masseuse got to my head I thought I was gonna end up bald lol. Not a fan of scalp massages at all.

Next is that I found the 'rinse every day' part to be a little extreme. I don't know, I just can't get down with washing, albeit co-washing, my hair every day.

But I recently decided to give it my full. Seven days of co-washing won't hurt right? I hope not. I installed a style that can be easily co-washed and which doesn't require manipulation after being washed. Check out the style here. Additionally, I think massaging my head while my hair is in single braids won't do too much damage. Since I'm going all the way, I may even do the whole measurement and pictures thing (I omitted this part last time too *mendokkusai!*)

I'll have an actual update at the end of the seven days. Wish me luck!

Have you tried the inversion method yet? Good results?


  1. I'm struggling with trying the inversion method because as of lately I've been rocking mini protective styles, which makes it hard to perform scalp massages let along rinse every day!

    1. Same thoughts I was having, but single braids kind of eliminates that problem. I also notice that many ladies don't bother to rinse every day. I've dedicated myself to it this time around lol

  2. Looking forward to your results!

  3. Good luck chica! I keep saying that I'll try inversion but its just a lie. I always forget to do it!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Thanks! haha, you crack me up. You should give it a go and let us know how it goes (feeling poetic today lol)

  4. All the best! Looking forward to the result. :)

  5. Abbi! I just had an idea, cuz the scalp massages can make the hair untidy I guess if ur zealous like urs truly LOL, maybe we can use a plastic cap over the hair and then massage, so it would slip more and be less messy? Dunno if that will even work, it's just a thought. I hope ur inversion goes well and u get some good growth girlie!

    1. I too, am a zealous one! lol This is a great idea, I think it just might work, gonna test it out. Thanks Rachel. Cheers to 1 inch in 1 week (and then another, and another, and ...) lol

  6. Inversion method, the last time I tried I wasn't successful! how is it going for you?


What are your thoughts?