
Friday, 14 February 2014

(Fitness) Friday Frolic - Look Good, Feel Great

It's Valentine's Day and fitness is in the air...wait, no love is in the air. Well, I'm not big on Valentine's Day and I am in love with fitness, so let's go with fitness instead.

After today's workout

You may have read in my New Year New Hair post that I want to continue to live a fit and healthy lifestyle during 2014. So I'm linking up with KLP of SOS and a few other lovely bloggers with this Fitness Friday post. Thank God it's so titled because while it couldn't hurt if I lost a few lbs, I am in the business of looking and feeling fit and living a healthy lifestyle, not weight-loss


I was recently on a skype call with a friend of mine. We were discussing the current state of her mom who is battling cancer. Naturally, I went on to reiterate the importance of a healthy lifestyle. After that section of the convo was over, she stated she was hungry and proceeded to the kitchen for a snack. And I was shocked to see her reach for a tub of vanilla ice cream. Uhm REALLY?? When I called her out, she stated she'd add a banana to make it healthier. *insert blank stare, eyeroll, kmt, smh etc here* lol. I am quite the opposite. I am very aware that disease can only prosper in an environment that facilitates it. If you eat properly and exercise regularly, your body becomes a lean, mean disease-fighting machine. And it doesn't hurt that you look damn good while doing it.

  • it makes me look great
  • it makes me feel good
  • it gives me a confidence boost
  • it wards off disease
  • it extends my life-span

I try to make fitness a lifestyle. Of course there are times when I am working harder than other times (read on vacation, I'm working on it). But for the most part, I have made it a part of my everyday life, I have learned to love it, or at least feel guilty when I not doing it. lol


Eat clean!

I eat protein and nutrient-rich foods with lots of fibre such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, vegetables, egg, chicken, fish (I live on fish during the week), nuts, yogurt and fruit. Of course there are times when I treat myself. But not only do I eat clean, but I try to cheat clean as well. That is, I try not to stray tooo far from my norm.

Train mean!
As far as exercise, my workout of choice is weight training, sprinkled with cardio (sprinting or insanity), and topped with a little yoga (when I feel like it). Contrary to popular belief, weight training is perfect for sculpting and toning the female body, particularly when trying to lose weight fat.

The final things in the equation are adequate hydration and rest.

No doubt it takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and energy. But the more consistent you are, the easier it becomes. 

This is my sure-fire way to becoming a sexy, slayed, disease-blocking babe!

I'll leave you with my favorite little workout song:

Sweat drops on muscles and veggies and chicken
Dumbbells and water and heart rates that quicken
Cute Nike running shoes laced up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Awesome post. Exercise and eating well MUST be incorporated as a lifestyle change and not just to loose weight for a special occasion and then fah-get-about-it. I work out because .. My life would be a wreck without it.

  2. oh and Abi you look Fantabulous girl!!!!!!! keep up the great work.

  3. I almost died when she said that she was going to add a banana to make it healthy. Ha-ha! I too feel guilty when I don't make time for myself to workout. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I'd start to missing sweating and the thrill of wind in my face whilst running, I would have laughed right up in your face!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. lol she cray cray! I'm not down with running, and the winter chill while sprinting is not to be missed, but I know exactly what you mean lol

  4. Luv it! This is a really Great Post! I'm definitely motivated to get my workout in today!

  5. Girl that banana comment killed me! Great post & thanks for linking up!!!

  6. Great post! I work out because, it makes me feel good and gives me a confidence boost!

  7. Great post, I definitely work out because when I am done, I never regret starting, for my health, a good body and it makes me feel great. :)

  8. Well a banana can make anything healthy right?! lol..........................I am working on getting fit, it takes super human strength to start working out.

    1. riiiiiggght! lol
      You've got super human strength, you can do it :-) and you'll be glad you did!


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