
Monday, 13 January 2014

Saved by the Braids- Wash Day 1.14.14

Don't you just love easy breezy wash days?! *insert loong happy sigh*
This wash day was just that!

It started off with me doing a hot oil treatment using EVOO on Saturday. I applied the oil to my hair and scalp in sections and proceeded to braid each section after it had been oiled. I pinned them all up and went on my way. I didn't have any engagements this weekend and Monday is a national holiday, so I let my hair stay this way until I was ready to wash...I was finally ready on Monday lol.

Queen Helene/ Moroccan Argan Oil DC/ Hair Spa Aloe DC + EVOO
I woke up and applied my DC (pictured left) mix to the four sections while still braided. I wrapped my head in cling foil and a plastic cap and sat under my bonnet dryer for about a 1/2 an hour. It remained in this condition for another 2 hours. I hopped in the shower and rinsed the DC mix from my hair, and absent-mindedly applied the very same shampoo (herbal essences moisture shampoo) that I hated a few wash days back...oh hellll no! Why'd I do that? 

I was actually planning to use my cleansing cream (inspired by KLP of Saving Our Strands) which I made a few weeks ago. I totally forgot that I had only made one batch as opposed to the entire contents of the bottle, and ended up using pure shampoo instead eeeek.

Not to worry, my braids saved the day. There was absolutely zero tangles as my hair was still in the 4 braids, and my hair was as soft as can be. yasssss! Usually when I washed my hair in sections, I'd undo one braid at a time, shampoo, rinse, condition and re-braid. That is, the section is loose while being shampooed or conditioned. However this wash day, I left the braids in through the DC, shampoo and final conditioning processes. I only loosened and combed though when I was rinsing the final conditioner  (VO5 shea cashmere moisturizing conditioner). There were absolutely no tangles! I think I've found my new modus operandi for wash days. It saved time plus! eliminated tangles. Win Win!

I rebraided my hair after rinsing each section. I t-shirt dried for an hour, moisturized (using Herbal Essences Hello Hydration) and sealed (EVOO), then pinned up the 4 braids and ended up with this sort of milk maid braids look (for air-drying).

Cheers to awesome wash days!

How did yours go down?


  1. This was a good wash day. I'm inspired.

    1. Thanks Evalyne, I'm so glad you found some inspiration here.

  2. Thanks for lining up chica! I love this style on you girl!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Thanks! My pleasure. I'm looking forward to the next one!


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