
Saturday, 25 January 2014

It's OK - Hair Edition

No one is perfect and everyone is different. On hair journeys, we will have similarities but the differences will also abound. Sometimes we are made to feel that what we are doing isn't right or that there is a better way to skin the cat. I'm here to reassure you that there is no right way to eat spaghetti and that it's OK...

  • to not wash your hair every single week. We know wash days can be a chore, so if you're having a lazy week and feel like skipping wash day this time around, go ahead.
  • to use heat every now and then
  • to forever relax your hair if that's your preference
  • to use weaves as protective styles (just not those thigh length ones, I hate those lol)
  • to long-term protective style (without "getting to know your hair") as long as you damn well please, as long as you care for your hair beneath
  • to buy every product in the store until you find the 'right one'
  • to stalk all the blogs, forums, and youtube channels you like to find hair inspiration
  • to enjoy your hair every once in a while by NOT protective or low manipulation styling
  • to trim once a month or once a year
  • to chase length
  • to rock your hair in it's natural state
  • to do whatever you want with your hair as long as it works for you :-)


  1. I love that you post everyday. Your hair is beautiful. I live in the states and I am still transitioning after 26 months post relaxer. I relaxed for 25 years and loved it, but my hair never looked like yours! Keep doing you, boo!

    1. uummm not quite everyday, but I try lol. Thank you so much Joy, you are so kind. One day I hope to transition too, not any time soon though. Best wishes for your transitioning journey!

  2. i'm with you on those thigh length weave - _ -

  3. you hit it on the head with the last month - i'm so sick of this natural vs. relaxed hair debate.
    do whatever makes you and your hair happy, lol.

    1. absolutely! hair can be healthy and beautiful in any state.

  4. love this, so true. can we add "it's okay to have no idea what your hair journey is because your life is just so sporadic" ?? no?? okay .. just me then lol

    1. lmao! Let's jot it waaaayy down at the fine print lol

  5. Yes girl! Do whatever floats your boat honey! Ain't no body got time for all this hate!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  6. great tips :)

  7. Love this! It's always great to life one another up instead of tearing one another down!

    Courtnea of Finally Growing!

    1. Totally! I receive so much support from the blog community and I just want to give a little through this post lol

  8. I love this post! Been on my journey for quite some time and am just now realizing what you've stated above. Its ok :)

  9. This is a great post, every journey is unique but we seem to forget that sometimes.


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