
Friday, 20 December 2013

Relaxing with yo' Girl - Update

Hey guys! This is just a quick relaxer update. 

I relaxed on Dec 17th (I already posted the relaxer process, if you missed it, click here ). I have already rewashed and styled my hair (yesterday). I also did a clear rinse - review coming up in short order. 

Below is my hair now after being flat ironed. (I am not a huge fan of my flat-iron, the max temp is quite low and it doesn't give me hair that is as straight as I'd like.) As it turns out, my hair was not relaxed as bone straight as I first thought. It seems that only the very front (near the hairline) is straight, which I can deal with as it makes sleek styles that much easier. One thing I noticed and don't like is the multiple textures. It caused a bit of tangling (or maybe it's because I didn't spend enough time on the actual relaxer day to properly detangle). I may look into correcting this issue at a future date if it continues to bother me. OK let's get to the pics.

12/17 relaxer results

Compared to previous relaxer
left: July (pre trim)// right: December '13

1 Year Comparison
1 year progress (left: Dec '13// right: Dec '12

Just a quick update.



  1. Your hair looks A-MAZING Abbi! You've made some great progress in the last year!

  2. Nice progress in a year girl! You are definitely doing something right!

  3. Wow! Fantastic!! Great progress. Your hair looks awesome.

  4. Beautiful progress! I think I just drooled!

  5. Amazing progress, you hair has come a long way in a year, love the fullness of it all

  6. "uh huh, honey".
    your hair looks great!
    whatever you're doing, KEEP doing it!


What are your thoughts?