
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

OK, You Win - Relaxer Day

When relaxer day actually rolls around (and some wash days too) I totally wish I was back home with someone to do it for me or at least help. Oh well, I have no choice so let's get down wit' da get down.

How I did it:
the arsenal
Step 1 - gather accoutrements:
timer, gloves, cape, clips and pins, relaxer, EVOO,
products to be used after relaxing (Aphogee 2 minute, ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo, Queen Helene Cholesterol, Roux Porosity Control)
*There is no comb, sprush or other application tool listed, as in the interest of moving as quickly as possible, I will be using my gloved hand to apply

Step 2 - mix relaxer 
I used ORS lye relaxer in normal which actually requires NO mixing. However, as I am tex-laxing I added 2 tsps of EVOO to 'weaken' the relaxer as well as for some added moisture.

diluting relaxer


Step 3 - section detangle and base
section - quadrants
Once again this is a "no-base" relaxer, however it states we should base our scalp (go figure). make 1" sections, base scalp with petroleum jelly, apply the petroleum to the length of the hair from line of demarcation to ends, twist to keep them distinct

Step 4 - application
Start timer, apply relaxer (to new growth ONLY!) staying within the time limit of 12 minutes.

Step 5 - rinse
Thoroughly rinse relaxer with water only. Ensure relaxer is properly removed.

Step 6 - mid-process protein treatment
Apply Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor, leave on for about 5 minutes.

Step 7 - clarify
Rinse and apply ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo. Repeat. Repeat leaving on for 5 -10 minutes

Step 8 - replenish moisture
Rinse and apply Queen Helene Cholesterol Cream + Roux Porosity Control + EVOO, seal with Tresseme Moisture Rich conditioner

Step 9 - dry & add leave-ins
Rinse and T-shirt dry
Apply leave-ins (Aphogee Keratin and Green Tea Reconstructorizer , Lotta Body). See pic below for a little teaser on results. 

air dried hair // straight roots

Step 10 - 'style'
'Wrap hair' and go to bed.

So as you can see, I had a foolproof plan and executed it well, or so I thought. Applying the relaxer with my gloved fingers allowed me to work really quickly, I almost did a happy dance when I finished well before the 12 minute limit. Although I diluted the relaxer and completed the application process with time to spare, to my surprise, I came out of the experience with super straight roots!! Womp! (steups, Oh well)

I opted to just wrap n' go because 1) I didn't have much time 2) I still have to hit the gym a few more times before my trip 3) tomorrow is a work day and I don't want to be too fly for the kids lol. The wrap was not great but it served the purpose. Today I just rocked a ponytail. 

I'm going to rewash and style on Friday, so stay tuned for that post (and a proper results update).



  1. Thanks for outlining step of your touch up chica! I'm so excited for your results update!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. My pleasure! lol I'll have it up at the weekend. xoxo

  2. Congrats on your relaxer touch up. I wish I had the courage to do my own touch ups. That is the only thing I go to a stylist for. Waiting for your results update. My touch up is in 2 weeks.

    1. Thanks Evalyne, but I have been self-relaxing since ages ago. I used to do it bone-straight though, so now the only struggle is achieving texlaxed results. I'll be posting an update soon so stay tuned :-) and good luck when you relax in 2 weeks. Hope all goes well!

  3. Can't wait to see you results!

  4. I love your blog and my goal is definitely your hair lol!
    I stretch for 5months. My relaxer touch up went really bad, my scalp isn't burn but my hair is dried and the strands are glued with each others! I don't know what to do to avoid a step back i would like some advice please.

    Sorry for my english, i'm french!

    1. Thank you very much, I'm flattered.
      It's great that you stretch, it can really help the growth process.
      Re the dry hair issue, I think the cause of this could be one or a combination of the following:
      Not clarifying or correcting porosity after relaxing. If you used protein, maybe it's a bit much for your hair. Not doing a moisturizing deep condition after the process.
      If you wish, tell me a bit more about your issues and maybe I can offer some more information.
      Good luck with your future touch ups.

    2. Thanks you for the reply, one week after the touch up i clarify again then deep conditioning my hair and rinse with acv. It totally refill my hairs. The next time i'll do my relaxer in two parts to avoid such issues.

    3. My pleasure! I'm so happy that your remedied your issues, good stuff!


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