
Saturday, 23 November 2013

5 Hair Mistakes I Made That Stayed!

On any journey you are bound to make a few mistakes. Luckily, some of those blunders can lead to unexpected results, and the creation of new hair habits which can take your hair journey to the next level. Here are a few of mine.

Falling asleep while deep conditioning
My hair felt so moisturized after this session, that it gave way to me deep conditioning overnight about 70% of the time.

Forgetting to rinse my pre-poo before I shampooed
Once, I had my hair covered in oil and conditioner and started applying my shampoo using my applicator bottle before rinsing. When I realized, I just kept on going for continuity's sake. Once shampooed, my hair felt clean without feeling stripped. I have not shampooed without coating my hair first since!

Rinsing my relaxer before my hair was 'fully' processed
In the couple of years prior to my HHJ, Motions relaxer always left my hair underprocessed without me even trying. I would leave it on (start to finish) for about 25+ mins, I never diluted with oils and I didn't coat my new growth with any product. Still, I was always left with what I called underprocessed, frizzy hair. These days, having become aware of good hair care practices, I hunt a relaxer that will leave me with texture and enjoy the versatility which comes with texlaxing.

Not using a shower cap in the shower
Have you ever forgotten to take a plastic cap to the shower with you and then thought what the hell, I'll just be careful with the shower stream? Well, it's happened to me, and while I was able to evade the shower stream, the shower STEAM got me! And I loved it. I get a mini steam session every time I hit the shower. Be careful though, steam is not a friend to certain styles and particularly when the style is being set. So if you think the steam may ruin your do, grab a shower cap or two.

Taking down my braid-out while hair is still a little damp
Unraveling a braid-out while your is wet can leave you with a frizzy mess. However, I have accidentally taken down my braids while my hair is just a little damp and I love the fluffy texture I was left with. Since then, I have aimed for a still-damp take-down each time. I have missed the mark now and then, but when you get the timing right, your braid-out will be on point!

What hair mistakes have you made into hair habits?



  1. I'm totally a overnight deep conditioning convert this winter. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter when I unravel my braid outs---they are usually a bust! Lol!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Isn't it a blessing for dry hair?! Haha at least you've got the BKOs down pat!


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