
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Oil it up - Grapeseed Oil

This light, non-greasy, odorless oil is loved by many in the hair care world, and who can blame them?! There's just so much to love about grapeseed oil:

  • it is rich in vitamin E and linoleic acid, two ingredients capable of strengthening hair.

  • It contains ceramides which fill in gaps along the cuticle, resulting in hair which is stronger and less prone to breakage.

  • it has been proven to smooth the cuticles while simultaneously sealing in moisture.

  • it is able to treat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Like many other natural oils, it can be used in various ways. Here are the top 5 uses for grapeseed oil:

  1. pre-poo
  2. sealing in moisture
  3. hot oil treatments
  4. scalp massages (used as a carrier oil for essential oils)
  5. to protect ends when hair is straightened or out


It has been purported that this oil can act as a heat protectant. However, detractors claim that even though it has a high smoke point (takes a higher temperature to destroy its properties), this does not equate to it being a good heat protectant. You'd be better off using a product designed for that purpose.

Do you incorporate grapeseed oil into your regimen? How so?



  1. Great post! I was unable to get grapeseed to work for me but my hair loves other oils such as evco and avocado.
    Divachyk @Relaxed Thairapy

    1. Thanks Divachyk! I love them too, but since I embarked on 'operation moisture', I've had to let them go for a while.


What are your thoughts?