
Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Peak - Hair Goals

Initially, at the start of my journey I wanted MBL hair, but that has changed and I now find myself lusting after, you guessed it - BELOW THE WAIST length hair. That is my ultimate goal length. Also, I am not a fan of the blunt, straight across cut, but neither do I like thinning and uneven ends, so I'm aiming for a nice full rounded, or "V" cut look. I also want soft, strong, shiny hair that I know well and am a pro at. I want to be able to enjoy my hair without suffering breakage. I want it to be manageable and easy. I want it to be gorgeous.

And finally, I aim to enlighten, inspire and motivate others to do the same.

In the short-term, my goals are to:
  • Overcome this current drought that my hair is experiencing
  • Get to full MBL by December and
  • Long-term protective style until my next relaxer

What are you aiming for with your hair? Share it down below.


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