
Saturday, 14 September 2013

Au Naturel - Air-drying

Although I love the sleekness of either direct or indirect heat styled hair, about 90% of the time my hair is air-dried.

Air drying prior to roller setting

What is it? 

Air drying is avoiding unnatural heat sources such as a blow dryer or a hooded dryer, opting instead, for nature to work its magic on your tresses. 

Why do it? 

As is common knowledge, heat can wreak havoc on both natural and chemically treated hair. Heat can cause your hair to become too dry, leading to brittle hair and ultimately, breakage. As such, it is beneficial to avoid heat on our quest for longer locks. Air drying rather than blow-drying your hair will allow you to retain more length, thus achieving longer hair at a faster pace. 

How I do it! 

I air dry my hair in one of two ways;
  1. I use the "scarf method" which I learnt from Sunshyne of Hairlista. In this method, I don a silk scarf to keep my edges laying nicely after I have detangled and applied my leave-ins. See below. 

  1. Or I may air-dry in braids. I do my final rinse in the shower, after which I apply my leave-ins and braid my hair into two plaits, securing the ends. This method is easily turned into a braid-out which makes it a favorite of mine. 


  • Air drying takes much longer than blow drying, so allow enough time for this process by washing hair at night so it can dry overnight. 
  • Air-dried hair may look big and frizzy, so use leave-ins to tame the hair while it is being air dried and run hands through hair, causing it to become straighter as it dries.

How do you air-dry? Any tricks you'd like to share? 



  1. I t-shirt dry, put my leave ins, wrap, cover with a silk scarf, sleep. By morning my hair is all stretched out and dry :)

    1. Koyin I used to do that before my hhj when my hair was shoulder length and shorter and it worked great, but now that my hair is longer and texlaxed, it doesn't work as well.

    2. You're right. It gets more and more difficult as my hair gets longer. I am at APL now and I must admit that the results are not as good as they used to be. I've had to watch many youtube videos on various techniques for wrapping hair. I found one that works for my current length. But yeah, at your length though, I don't think it's possible. Way too long. That's a "good problem". Lol. Ps: Lovely blog.

    3. Yep, the only time I can get away with wrapping is when my hair is already pretty straight. I suppose it is a good one to have lol. Thanks Koyin!

  2. I appreciate for giving this excellent information. It’s fantastic to read about how you gathered all of the necessary information.
    Air Dry V/S Blow Dry


What are your thoughts?